Board Meetings
Schedule of Meetings
Unless otherwise posted, regular Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, at 4:00 PM.
In accordance with state and county public health officials’ response to the COVID-19 virus situation, Tuolumne County Board of Education meetings will be conducted via a hybrid in-person & video conference model, until further notice.
Materials for the agenda of a regular meeting may be obtained from the Superintendent’s office.
Public comment can provide valuable insight to Trustees and the Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools office staff members. It may improve their understanding of the issues scheduled to be discussed that day. An opportunity for the public to provide comment is also required by law, subject to certain limitations.
The meeting chair may impose reasonable limitations on public comment and may opt to structure public comment in one of several ways, including having all participants comment at the beginning of the meeting or allowing public comment in advance of each agenda item.
For the entire meeting agenda to proceed on schedule, those who wish to speak are allotted limited time, typically three minutes or less, depending on the number of requests and available time.
The meeting chair has the discretion to curtail public comment unrelated to agenda items, as well as a public comment that exceeds the given time allotment. It is not guaranteed that all who request to speak can be accommodated.
Submitting written comments
Members of the public may submit comments in writing before the meeting by sending them to the Board Secretary or the committee coordinator listed on the agenda for subentity meetings. To allow the board or subentity members to review written comments before their meeting, please submit your comment in advance, generally no fewer than five days before a meeting. Meeting agendas may note specific deadlines and addresses for written comment.
Requesting to speak at in-person meetings
If you wish to speak at an in-person meeting, please sign in using the public comment form provided either outside of or at the back of the meeting room. The form requests your first and last name and the specific agenda item to be addressed.
Requesting to speak at Zoom or teleconference meetings
The meeting chair or committee coordinator will announce procedures at the beginning of the meeting.
Members of the public who attend open meetings must remain orderly. The meeting chair may order the removal of any disorderly persons, including muting their line or removing them from a Zoom meeting.