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LCAP Advisory Services

local control accountability plan

LCAp advisory services

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs. TCSOS Supports LEAs in the development of their LCAP each year.

The components of the LCAP for the 2023–2024 LCAP year must be posted as one document assembled in the following order:

  • LCFF Budget Overview for Parents
  • Plan Summary
  • Engaging Educational Partners
    Goals and Actions
  • Increased or Improved Services for
  • Foster Youth, English Learners, and
  • Low-income students
  • Action Tables
  • Instructions


Tuolumne County superintendent of schools



Goal 1: Provide social emotional support and timely interventions to all students in order to develop mental health, communication and conflict resolution skills, and strengthen student resiliency. (Priority 5, Pupil Engagement; Priority 6, School Climate)

Goal 2: Provide training to all staff in tiered interventions (MTSS), including Positive Behavior Intervention Support, inclusion, and trauma-informed practices in order to create a positive school climate and improve student attendance and achievement. (Priority 5, Pupil engagement; Priority 6, School Climate)

Goal 3: Provide engaging, standards-aligned curriculum, instruction and access to technology; develop college and career readiness skills, and increase opportunities for students to enroll in CTE, A-G, dual enrollment and credit recovery courses in order to prepare students for success in college and/or careers. (Priority 1, Basic; Priority 2, State Standards; Priority 4, Pupil Achievement, Priority 7, Course Access, Priority 8; Pupil outcomes)

Goal 4: Provide increased opportunities for parental involvement and regular communication between parents, staff, districts of residence and partner agencies, including probation, behavioral health, foster/homeless liaisons, social services, and the community college in order to support educational outcomes for all students. (Priority 3, Parent Involvement and Family Engagement; Priority 9, Coordination of Instruction of Expelled Youth, Priority 10, Coordination of Services for Foster Youth)

Goal 5: Continue to coordinate services for foster youth and homeless youth enrolled in TCSOS programs and all LEAs in Tuolumne County to minimize changes in school placement and ensure delivery of educational services, and provide training for all LEAs in Tuolumne County to support foster youth and homeless youth. (Priority 10)

Goal 6: Continue to coordinate the instruction of expelled pupils in Tuolumne County to prepare the students to successfully transition back to their district of residence, other educational options, or graduation. (Priority 9; Coordination of Instruction of Expelled Pupils)

Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) regulations require that school districts and county offices of education post their draft revised LCAP for a public comment period before the final adoption of the revised document. Members of the public may submit comments regarding the LCAP revisions by emailing the County Superintendent.

Tuolumne County Districts

Approved LCAPs