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County Board


Members of the County Board of Education participate in ad hoc or long-standing subcommittees that address the Board’s responsibilities and priorities.  Assignments rotate each calendar year.

Agendas & Minutes

Please note: As of January 2020, all documents, agendas, informational summaries, and other meeting materials are hosted on GAMUT online.  The search for those materials can also be found there.

2025 Committee


County Committee On

School District Organization

The County Committee on School District Organization is a committee created in each county by the California State Legislature and is elected by the representatives from local boards of education.

The County Committee studies and makes recommendations in the areas of (a) the organization and reorganization of school districts; (b) changes in school district boundaries; and (c) the number of trustees and the manner by which they are elected. These activities are coordinated by the Tuolumne County Committee on School District Organization.

It is important to note that the County Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee, is not a member of the County Committee, and therefore, has no authority over the decisions of the Committee and remains neutral on issues under consideration.

How is Reorganization Action Initiated?

Districts may be reorganized by transfers of territory, unifications, unionizations, or annexations (Unification is the formation of a new K-12 district from elementary or high school districts; unionization is the formation of a new district from districts of the same level – elementary, high school, or unified; Annexation is when one district is merged into another district that continues to operate). (Education Code §35700-35785.)

Action to consider reorganization, the transfer of territory, the altering of trustee areas, or the size of school district boards may be initiated by a citizens petition, a joint request of two school district governing boards; a petition from a city council, county board of supervisors, or local agency formation commission; or petition from a landowner, or by the county committee on school district organization.

School District Organization

Information for all parties involved in the school district organization process.