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News & Press Releases

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TCSOS works regularly with school and media personnel to help get the word out about what’s happening in schools throughout the county.

We also help educators with strategies for working with reporters and have contacts with local print, television, and radio news departments. We work frequently with reporters to provide background and contact information.

TCSOS Media Contact

Zack Abernathy
County Superintendent

Public Records Requests

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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! We invite students, educators, and families to take this opportunity to increase their awareness and understanding of mental health and its impact on overall health and wellness

April 2022: Shayla Nute

“Shayla’s cheerfulness, encouragement, and optimism are contagious and help create and maintain a positive classroom environment. She is respectful toward the teachers and her peers.” said teacher Steven Piech. “Shayla is very outgoing and a pleasure to have at school. She works diligently on her school assignments, always putting forth her best effort”.