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TCSOS works regularly with school and media personnel to help get the word out about what’s happening in schools throughout the county.

We also help educators with strategies for working with reporters and have contacts with local print, television, and radio news departments. We work frequently with reporters to provide background and contact information.

TCSOS Media Contact

Zack Abernathy
County Superintendent

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January 2022: Sergio Delarosa

“Sergio is a bright light in our program! He is kind, funny, and motivated to do well with his school work and friendships.” said teacher Shea Morgan. “Once Sergio takes an interest in a subject, he loves to explore it and share all he has learned with others. We are very proud of all of the hard work Sergio has done this year to be the best student he can be!”

December 2021: Ryan Tungate

“Ryan is a great student and always demonstrates excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom.” said teacher Bonnie Cozad. “Ryan is always positive, polite, and kind to peers and teachers. He is a conscientious student and always tries his best. He always strives to do the right thing and is a great role model for his classmates.”