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Public Notices

Public Notices &

Required Postings

Public notices from the Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools (TCSOS) will be posted here.  For the Board of Education agendas and minutes, please visit the TCBOE Board Meetings page.



Local Control Accountability Plan

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities.

The latest TCSOS and Tuolumne County District LCAPs can be found on the TCSOS LCAP page.

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

The SARC provides information to the community to allow public comparison of schools for student achievement, environment, resources & demographics.

Reported using data from the 2023-2024 school year, published during 2024-2025.


School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)

The SPSA is a tool for sites to prioritize particular programs and strategies that best serve their students, families, and the community.


Funding Information

The Education Protection Account (EPA) provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with general-purpose state aid funding pursuant to Section 36 of Article XIII of the California Constitution. The EPA funding is a component of an LEA’s total Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) entitlement as calculated in the Principal Apportionment.


COVID-19 Safety Plans

Guidance from the California Department of Public Health for the 2021-22 school year recommends that all local educational agencies (LEAs) post a safety plan on their website to communicate the safety measures in place for 2021-22 and disseminate to families in advance of the start of the school year.

View the current plans on the TCSOS COVID-19 Response page.


Transportation Policies

The TCSOS Transportation Policy ensures the safety of all involved in school-related transportation. It covers vehicle use, driver qualifications, and safety procedures for district-owned, rented, and personal vehicles. The policy emphasizes safety measures like inspections, seatbelt use, and speed limits, while also outlining rules for charter buses and personal vehicle reimbursement. It sets strict guidelines for driver qualifications and disqualifications, aiming to protect people and property during transport activities.


Acceptable Use of Technology Policies

These AUP (Acceptable Use Policies) serve as notice to users, in compliance with Education Code Sections 48980 and 51871.5, and TCSOS’s policies regarding information technology use, computer use, and access to the Internet for its students, employees and other authorized users.



Plans for Expelled Students

Every three years, each county superintendent of schools, in conjunction with superintendents of the school districts within the county, is required to develop a plan for providing educational services to all expelled pupils in that county and to submit the plan to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, per California Education Code Section 48926.


Proposition 28: Arts & Music in Schools Funding

Prop 28 Arts and Music in the Schools funding will be utilized to provide arts education instruction and materials to students enrolled in county-operated programs through Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools. These programs include the Tuolumne Learning Center, Gold Ridge Educational Center, Independent Living Skills, and the Nexus Program.



Grand Jury Response

The mission of the 2015-2016 Tuolumne County Grand Jury is to objectively investigate verifiable facts by diligent examination of fiduciary compliance, ethical standards of administrative stewardship, and professionalism within County public agencies.