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How to Interpret Psycho-Educational Evaluations

How to Interpret Psycho-Educational Evaluations

Teachers, specialists, and administrators receive psychoeducational evaluations of their students with IEPs.  What do all those standard scores mean? How can the information in a psychoeducational report support teachers and specialists in planning effective academic interventions and quality educational programs? This training will inform IEP team members on interpreting and understanding assessment data and focusing on educational strategies.

IDEA and Section 504: Understanding the Differences

IDEA and Section 504: Understanding the Differences

This training will compare and contrast the IDEA and Section 504 from a legal and practical perspective.  The most significant differences between IDEA and Section 504 in Assessments, Accommodations vs. Services, and FAPE will be explored.

The Prior Written Notice: When It’s Required

The Prior Written Notice: When It’s Required

A Prior Written Notice (PWN) is an opportunity for schools to communicate with families of students with disabilities regarding implementing the student’s programming. This training discusses how the IDEA guides the appropriate use of a PWN and the seven different components to be embedded within the PWN. Additionally, participants will discover sample templates and proper ways to communicate in a PWN so all team members have a clear, concise understanding of the proposed or refused implementation of programming for an individual student.

Evaluating the Need for 1:1 Support

Evaluating the Need for 1:1 Support

When an IEP Team is considering paraeducator support for a student, all aspects of the student’s IEP must be examined, with the focus always being on maximizing student independence to avoid unintentionally fostering dependence on the paraeducator.  This training will focus on how IEP teams can evaluate a student’s need for 1:1 support using various tools.

Private School Processes and Guidelines

Private School Processes and Guidelines

Participants will learn the definition of a private school student, according to the IDEA, and understand the responsibilities of students with disabilities not enrolled in publicly funded schools.

Section 504 Training

Section 504 Training

This training will focus on the legal requirements when parental consent to the proposed offer of FAPE is not obtained and will provide the next steps in the IEP process.

The Unsigned IEP

The Unsigned IEP

This training will focus on the legal requirements when parental consent to the proposed offer of FAPE is not obtained and will provide the next steps in the IEP process.

Understanding and Implementing Accommodations/Modifications

Understanding and Implementing Accommodations/Modifications

This training discusses the difference between accommodations and modifications and how environmental supports may be used to enhance student learning.  The training will also focus on the importance of accommodations and modifications in promoting equity and improving student access and achievements.