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The IEP Page-by-Page: Goal Development

The IEP Page-by-Page: Goal Development

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires each IEP to include a statement of measurable annual goals designed to meet the child’s disability-related needs.  Participants will learn/expand their ability to develop skills in developing goals that are meaningful, measurable, and designed to support progress toward mastery of skills in identified deficit areas.

The IEP Page-by-Page: Special Factors/Statewide Assessments

The IEP Page-by-Page: Special Factors/Statewide Assessments

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors the IEP team must consider in developing, reviewing, and revising each child’s IEP.  This training will cover the importance of these special factors in the education of children with disabilities and the need for individualized consideration of these factors in IEP development and revision. 

The IEP Page-by-Page: Emergency Learning Plans

The IEP Page-by-Page: Emergency Learning Plans

As a result of SB 98, a required element of the Individual Education Plan (IEP), all students must have an Emergency Learning Plan in their IEP. More specifically, all IEPs must include a description of how the IEP will be provided under emergency conditions (flood, earthquake, fire, pandemic) when instruction cannot be provided in person to the pupil for more than 10 consecutive school days. Participants will learn/expand their ability to develop a legally defensible Emergency Learning Plan.

The IEP Page-by-Page: Present Levels

The IEP Page-by-Page: Present Levels

This training will focus on the content necessary for an IEP to be legally compliant. The Present Levels of Performance section is one of the most critical sections of the IEP and is foundational for the rest of the IEP. Participants will learn/expand their ability to develop high-quality and legally defensible statements for the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance that reflect a summary of information gathered through formal and informal assessments, observations, work samples, data collection, interviews, and provider and parent input.

The IEP Page-by-Page: Eligiblity

The IEP Page-by-Page: Eligiblity

This training will focus on the content necessary for an IEP to be legally compliant. Participants will learn/expand their ability to develop the Eligibility section of the IEP, properly document student and parent/guardian information, and develop a comprehensive eligibility statement.