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Understanding Your Health Benefits

Understanding Your Health Benefits

When choosing the right health insurance plan for your specific needs and budget, it’s important to understand the terms and what they mean.  Pam Oliveto, from CVT, will be at TCSOS to explain each health plan and the terms associated with those plans.  Pam will explain what a deductible and out-of-pocket max means.  She will explain what is covered and where to go if you have questions on how much a procedure or doctor visit will cost.  Pam is here to answer the questions you never knew about your medical, dental, and vision insurance!  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.

Money Basics: Let’s Build A Plan

Money Basics: Let’s Build A Plan

If you want to feel confident about your finances, consider following a plan with four components: controlling spending, managing debt, prioritizing savings, and maintaining excellent credit. If you lose focus on any of these disciplines, you risk adding stress to your life. This class explains the importance of each component of your plan and helps you get started.

End of the Year Data Check-In

End of the Year Data Check-In

This end-of-year check-in will review seemingly unsolvable errors and discuss trends, tips, and tricks to certify.  The Data analyst will go over the auditing techniques the SELPA uses to audit the data and certify.  This thirty-minute check-in is an excellent place for CALPADS users to come together to solve any issues that cannot be solved. 

End of Year Service Tracking

End of Year Service Tracking

This thirty-minute training will cover any end-of-year housekeeping items that must be taken care of. The Data Technicians will give tips on verifying all data is correct and will go over all reports to be completed and submitted for auditing purposes. 

SEIS 101 for New Teachers and Providers

SEIS 101 for New Teachers and Providers

Special Education Information System (SEIS) is the system used by Tuolumne County SELPA. All California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) special education reportable data and IEP information is stored centrally in the SEIS system. This introductory SEIS course is aimed at new teachers or teachers new to the SEIS platform. This virtual training provides an overview of the SEIS Dashboard and step-by-step instructions on navigating the most commonly used student IEP pages and forms, including creating a student change request.

Service Tracker for Itinerant Special Education Staff

Service Tracker for Itinerant Special Education Staff

This training will focus on how to use Service Tracking in SEIS to its full potential.  With the new legal requirements around Service Tracking, it’s more important than ever to know the ends and outs of the program.  The Data Analyst will review how to pull various reports, bulk delivery, and troubleshoot common errors. 

CALPADS User Group

CALPADS User Group

This user group will discuss the latest releases and updates provided by CALPADS. In this training, multiple data technicians will discuss various reports submitted to CALPADS, from credentialing to free and reduced lunch applications. Numerous departments will be present to answer any questions that may arise.

SEIS Learning Lab-Drop In

SEIS Learning Lab-Drop In

Special Education Information System (SEIS) is the system used by Tuolumne County SELPA. All California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) special education reportable data and IEP information is stored centrally in the SEIS system. This introductory SEIS course is aimed at new teachers or teachers new to the SEIS platform. This virtual training provides an overview of the SEIS Dashboard and step-by-step instructions on navigating the most commonly used student IEP pages and forms, including creating a student change request.