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SEIS Learning Lab-Drop In

SEIS Learning Lab-Drop In

Special Education Information System (SEIS) is the system used by Tuolumne County SELPA. All California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) special education reportable data and IEP information is stored centrally in the SEIS system. This introductory SEIS course is aimed at new teachers or teachers new to the SEIS platform. This virtual training provides an overview of the SEIS Dashboard and step-by-step instructions on navigating the most commonly used student IEP pages and forms, including creating a student change request.

SEIS 101 for New Teachers and Providers

SEIS 101 for New Teachers and Providers

Special Education Information System (SEIS) is the system used by Tuolumne County SELPA. All California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) special education reportable data and IEP information is stored centrally in the SEIS system. This introductory SEIS course is aimed at new teachers or teachers new to the SEIS platform. This virtual training provides an overview of the SEIS Dashboard and step-by-step instructions on navigating the most commonly used student IEP pages and forms, including creating a student change request.

CALPADS User Group

CALPADS User Group

This user group will discuss the latest releases and updates provided by CALPADS. In this training, multiple data technicians will discuss various reports submitted to CALPADS, from credentialing to free and reduced lunch applications. Numerous departments will be present to answer any questions that may arise.

SEIS for Administrators

SEIS for Administrators

This SEIS training will equip District Level Users with the skills necessary to monitor their special education programs, perform the essential duties of a District Level User, and successfully navigate and use SEIS. Dive deeper as you utilize SEIS’s search features and integrate best practices.

Reinforcement Systems

Reinforcement Systems

This training will focus on identifying, understanding, and intervening with individual student problem behaviors within the classroom.  Participants will learn evidence-based positive behavior intervention strategies to support the vast array of problem behaviors that students may engage in across all classroom settings.  

Tips and Tools for Supporting Students in an Inclusive Setting

Tips and Tools for Supporting Students in an Inclusive Setting

Participants will learn to work collaboratively with general and special educators to provide intensified learning experiences for students with disabilities.  This training will offer takeaway tips and tricks that can be implemented immediately.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Writing IEP goals that are objective and measurable can be difficult. However, the task of implementing valid measurement systems for all of those goals is often overwhelming. This training will provide information on how to collect data on goals in a way that is easy to track.