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For Families

A strong family partnership is crucial to educational equity and student success. Research states that when schools effectively partner with families, students do better when student learning is connected between home and school. They go to school more often. Their behavior improves. They achieved more long-term success. Our priority is to support families in advocating for their children and ensure all families are valued and respected members of the TCSOS community.

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News & Announcements



November 2023: Missy Sanders

November 2023: Missy Sanders

“Missy is a joy to have in class,” says her teacher Kalie Gonzales. “She’s made tremendous progress this year, and she’s always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates. She brings happiness to any room she walks into.” Missy is a great role model for her peers and sets a positive example for everyone in the school community.

Recent Spotlights

February 2022: Hunter Olson

February 2022: Hunter Olson

“Hunter has made tremendous growth over the past month and has become an important part of the TLC Middle School class community!” exclaims teacher Taylor Swaty. “He is doing great on his schoolwork and engages well with his peers here. He loves sharing facts about his favorite anime and incorporating anime into art projects whenever he can. He is also ready and willing to share tips on shooting the basketball well and is quickly becoming a pro-typist in our TLC Typing Club! He is growing every day, and I am so proud of him!”

January 2022: Sergio Delarosa

January 2022: Sergio Delarosa

“Sergio is a bright light in our program! He is kind, funny, and motivated to do well with his school work and friendships.” said teacher Shea Morgan. “Once Sergio takes an interest in a subject, he loves to explore it and share all he has learned with others. We are very proud of all of the hard work Sergio has done this year to be the best student he can be!”

December 2021: Ryan Tungate

December 2021: Ryan Tungate

“Ryan is a great student and always demonstrates excellent behavior inside and outside the classroom.” said teacher Bonnie Cozad. “Ryan is always positive, polite, and kind to peers and teachers. He is a conscientious student and always tries his best. He always strives to do the right thing and is a great role model for his classmates.”