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The mission of the TCSOS Volunteer Program is to enhance the educational process through the use of trained volunteers. By accessing the wealth of talent, resources and diversity in our community, the program enriches the educational environment, helps our students achieve educational success, facilitates communication between the schools and community, and creates safer learning environments on our campuses.

The volunteer program of the Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools Office is managed by the Human Resources, Special Education and Educational Services Offices.

TCSOS Volunteer Program


  1. To link the knowledge and expertise of parents and the community with schools
  2. To recruit and train a broad spectrum of parents, community members, local businesses and organizations to volunteer in support of student achievement
  3. To place volunteers at schools, in classrooms or COE programs where they, staff and students will most benefit from the experience
  4. To maintain the health and safety of children in TCSOS schools by abiding by state and local laws and policies governing volunteers

Expectations for


  • The volunteer is welcomed on campus for a specific purpose or task that supports students and learning and works under the direction and supervision of a certificated person or appointed coordinator.
  • The volunteer models the goals and mission of the TCSOS and must be able to work well with both students and adults.
  • The volunteer is not a substitute for a member of the school staff but one supplying supplemental and supportive services.
  • A volunteer should not divulge confidential information to which he/she may have access in the classroom or in the school.
  • A volunteer’s reaction to particular staff members and children must be kept confidential.
  • The volunteer has the basic responsibility to be alert to the individual needs of students and to be responsive to the program of the teachers to whom he/she is assigned and the general direction of the principal.


Expectations for

Schools & tcsos

  • Assignment to a specific purpose or task that supports student achievement and capitalizes on the strengths, knowledge and skills of the volunteer
  • Specific instructions and the necessary materials for any job he/she undertakes
  • A comprehensive screening to preserve the health and safety of children on TCSOS campuses
  • A comprehensive orientation and explanation of school and COE policies and guidelines to preserve the health and safety of TCSOS students and the volunteer.
  • The volunteer should seek out, and expect all necessary help in clearly identifying the work to be done and the ways in which it should be accomplished. He/she need not hesitate to ask for all needed help and advice as necessary to carry out the volunteer job successfully.
  • The volunteer must be willing to accept a minor, but very important role in the school organization and must constantly keep in mind the distinctions between the responsibility and authority of the professional staff and those held by the volunteer.
  • To be heard when he/she offers suggestions for ways in which his/her services may be more effective.