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Homeless Youth

Homeless Youth


All youth should have the opportunity for educational success, no matter their housing or family situation. The Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools program promotes this success through advocacy, mentoring, tutoring, and assistance with the transition to obtaining a college education.

Homeless students are defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Act as youth who “lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.”

TCSOS provides services to homeless youth services to children in grade levels PK through High School. 

Homeless Youth Contacts

Homeless Youth Ed Rights
Colleen Whitlock
Associate Superintendent, Student Support Services

Foster Youth Manager
Janelle Quin
Foster Youth / Special Projects Coordinator III

Who Counts as A

“Homeless” Student

The Federal Government’s legal definition of homelessness is based upon the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act as anyone who:

  • Lacks a regular, fixed, and adequate nighttime residence
  • Is sharing housing due to economic struggles
  • Is living in a public place not designed for sleeping or permanent residence (cars, parks, shelter, or motel)
  • Receive transportation to and from school
  • Is a youth awaiting foster care placement
  • Is a migrant youth who qualifies under any of the above


Homeless Youth

Have Rights To:

  • Enroll in school without proper documentation/immunization records
  • Attend classes while educational records are being located and transferred
  • Remain in their school of origin
  • Enroll in school without giving a permanent address
  • Receive transportation to and from school




  • Educational Case Management
  • Enrollment Assistance
  • Mentoring
  • Transportation Arrangement
  • Assistance with Records
  • Special Education Advocacy
  • School Supplies
  • Resource Referrals


Homeless Youth


Homeless Youth


Resources for Food, Clothing, and Medical
